Saturday, March 8, 2008

Table$ide TipS

Almost every marketer starts
out making the same 7 mistakes.

20 years ago I made my first information
product called Tableside Tip$, a pamphlet
on how to make a living as a restaurant

Ben Mack here. Just for coming on
Monday's call you'll receive a
copy of Tableside Tip$.

Monday you will get the inside
track to avoiding the most common
costly mistake every marketer I know
has faced. Learn from our mistakes.

On Monday, I'll tell you about
A tiny little mistake cost me

A better way=>
Why put in all the work if somebody
else is going to make all the money?

It was a mistake so simple a 5th grader
might of suggested it to me.

Learn the 7 costly mistakes many new
marketers make on their first product
and save yourself the pain of learning
a harder way

The easy way=>

Live call Monday evening 3/10.

Every day you're making these mistakes
you are leaving money on the table.

It's as simple as that.

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